5 steps to an effective sustainability strategy – How to achieve profitable sustainability in owner-led companies

5 Schritte zur Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie - STMG

For the vast majority of the German Mittelstand (owner-led companies including mostly SMEs, but also large firms), sustainability is very important. According to a Commerzbank study from 2021, more than 70 percent of owner-led companies surveyed believe that sustainable action and production are necessary to ensure the future viability of their company. Almost 70 percent … Read more

The three biggest challenges for SMEs in 2023-2024


The German economy is in recession. And German SMEs are right in the middle of it. In addition to short-term economic causes for the slump, there are also longer-term structural reasons. SMEs are therefore facing growing challenges in the short and medium term that require consistent strategic action. The German Institute for SME Research (Institut … Read more

5 Common Strategic Planning Mistakes SMEs Should Avoid

The experts have been debating the use of strategic planning for some time. Already in the mid-1990s, Canadian management professor Henry Mintzberg questioned the use of a formal strategic planning process in his book “The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning”. And in view of fast, partly unforeseeable changes, there are good reasons to doubt … Read more