5 steps to an effective sustainability strategy – How to achieve profitable sustainability in owner-led companies

5 Schritte zur Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie - STMG

For the vast majority of the German Mittelstand (owner-led companies including mostly SMEs, but also large firms), sustainability is very important. According to a Commerzbank study from 2021, more than 70 percent of owner-led companies surveyed believe that sustainable action and production are necessary to ensure the future viability of their company. Almost 70 percent … Read more

5 reasons why SMEs should now push their sustainable business development

Sustainable business development - STMG

For medium-sized companies, the sustainability of their business activities has always played a major role. The long-term existence of the company is more important to them than high quarterly profits. Accordingly, CEOs of SMEs generally have a positive attitude towards sustainability. However, their ideas on the content and significance of sustainability for their own company … Read more

Strategic Sustainability – The Billion-Euro Blind Spot of Medium-Sized Companies

Strategic Sustainability - STMG

Medium-sized companies in Germany are currently missing out on business opportunities worth billions. The reason: most companies are pursuing sustainability in too limited a way and without a holistic strategy. Untapped sustainability potential According to a PwC study from 2023, 60% of the SMEs surveyed have recognized that they need to drive the transformation towards … Read more

The three biggest challenges for SMEs in 2023-2024


The German economy is in recession. And German SMEs are right in the middle of it. In addition to short-term economic causes for the slump, there are also longer-term structural reasons. SMEs are therefore facing growing challenges in the short and medium term that require consistent strategic action. The German Institute for SME Research (Institut … Read more

Indo-German IT Collaboration – Prospects and Challenges

Panel discussion - Hannover 2022

There are strong signals that the collaboration between India and Germany in the IT sector is entering a new phase. So far, the focus has been on German companies hiring Indian IT experts and offshoring IT work to Indian branch offices as well as outsourcing software development and business process management services to Indian firms. … Read more

5 Common Strategic Planning Mistakes SMEs Should Avoid

The experts have been debating the use of strategic planning for some time. Already in the mid-1990s, Canadian management professor Henry Mintzberg questioned the use of a formal strategic planning process in his book “The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning”. And in view of fast, partly unforeseeable changes, there are good reasons to doubt … Read more