Corporate sustainability – Involving employees more

Employee Engagement - STMG

Two thirds of German managers believe that sustainability makes economic sense, according to a Capgemini study. At the same time, according to a study by Ipsos and Bertelsmann Stiftung, only slightly less than half of employees (49%) feel that sustainability is important in their companies. This suggests two things: firstly, that the high importance of … Read more

Fit for the future through sustainable corporate management

Sustainable Corporate Management - STMG

Ever more companies are committed to sustainability and are pursuing ambitious sustainability goals. Many even have a sustainability strategy. There is, however, often a clear gap between ambitious goals and their implementation. That is, because in addition to a good sustainability strategy, sustainable corporate management is also required to successfully implement the strategy. That sounds … Read more

5 reasons why SMEs should now push their sustainable business development

Sustainable business development - STMG

For medium-sized companies, the sustainability of their business activities has always played a major role. The long-term existence of the company is more important to them than high quarterly profits. Accordingly, CEOs of SMEs generally have a positive attitude towards sustainability. However, their ideas on the content and significance of sustainability for their own company … Read more

5 global trends that could influence your business in 2021

Strategic Thinking Outlook 2021

There has been no business forecast for 2020 that came even close to what happened in this extraordinary year. At least I am not aware of any such forecast. Wildcard events like the Corona pandemic and its effects on society and economy are hard to predict for a specific year. Yes, there have been several … Read more

Why Climate Change is Relevant for Your Business

When the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference ended with the Paris Agreement on 12 December, one of the first to comment was Paul Polman, CEO of multinational consumer goods company Unilever. In a statement published on the same day, Polman praised the agreement as “a clear path to decarbonise the global economy”. He considers … Read more